Humanity and the gods of nature

A lively panel Nancy did with Peter Singer and Slavoj Zizek--Humanities and the Gods of Nature


So thrilled to be part of the line-up at the world’s largest music and philosophy festival at Hay-on-Wye (in Wales) at same time as famous Hay book festival.  I’ll be on several panels with leading public intellectuals:  Peter Singer, Dan Ariely, Paul Bloom, Slavoz Zizek among others. 

Celebrating Prof. Nancy Sherman: Free Excerpt from “Stoic Wisdom: Ancient Lessons for Modern Resilience”

This week we celebrate Prof. Nancy Sherman, her works and her valuable contribution to modern philosophy.

Georgetown Faculty at Spring Convocation

I recently had the honor of a lifetime in being asked by our President John DeGioi to give  "A Life of Learning" address to the Georgetown Faculty at Spring Convocation.

Using Ethics to Navigate Moral Injury, for Veterans and Civilians

I'm deeply honored to be featured on Veteran's Day 2022 by Citizens&Scholars for my work as a public scholar.

Renowned Georgetown Ethicist Elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences

Read and listen to the commemoration of the life of Army whistleblower against torture, Ian Fishback (my friend and colleague) in this powerful obituary by NPR’s Quil Lawrence (in which I am interviewed.)

Final Anguished Years of Warrior Scholar

I am delighted to be interviewed by Joe Humphreys in the Irish Times: “Has Stoicism Become a New Religion” in his “Unthinkable” column. (There’s a paywall, so contact me for .pdf!)

I am delighted that my book, Stoic Wisdom, is now a recommended book on

I am really happy to have my essay, "Moral Injury and Stoic Resilience" appear in Modern Stoicism.

I am delighted to have an essay in this path-breaking collection of women writing about war. I'm especially thrilled to be in the company of the amazing novelist Aminatta Forna! Collateral Damage: Women Write about War

I am thrilled to see my piece on emotional connection and (maybe) neuron mirroring through march (and dance) in print Cannons and Codes: Law, Literature, and America’s Wars

5.27 Georgetown Now with Pres. DeGioia

“The Moral Logic of Survivor Guilt,” and “A Crack in the Stoic Armor" chosen by New York Times to appear in Modern Ethics in 77 Arguments: A Stone Reader.

Nancy has been featured as the WOMAN PHILOSOPHER OF THE MONTH
—American Philosophical Association Committee on the Status of Women 

The Moral Injury
David Brooks, New York Times 

Living with the Moral Burdens of War


Georgetown Philosophy Prof. Delivers Lecture on Military Ethics
–VASSAR Stories

A ‘Dancing With the Stars’ alum escaped Ukraine. Racked by survivor’s guilt, he says he’s returning to Europe.
–Washington Post

Has Stoicism Become a New Religion?
–The Unthinkable
interview with Joe Humphreys: Irish Times

The Revival of Stoicism

Book by Philosophy Professor Uses Ancient Wisdom as Framework to Alleviate Problems of Today
Blue & Gray, Georgetown University

Opinion Today
–New York Times

When Political Partisanship And The Military Collide

Nancy Sherman on war and homecoming
Prospect Magazine

Silicon Valley’s Latest Lifehack: Death

For Veterans, a Path to Healing ‘Moral Injury’
—New York Times

Reprehensible Behavior Is a Risk of Combat, Experts Say
—New York Times

Marines video and the ugly impulse of revenge

Afterwar Review | Coping with the guilt and remorse of war
Washington Post

How military chaplains are finding new ways to treat vets with invisible wounds 
The Washington Post

Haunted by Their Decisions in War
The Washington Post

Essay: We’ve seen photos before like ones of U.S. soldiers with Afghan corpses
—The Washington Post

Reprehensible Behavior Is a Risk of Combat, Experts Say
—New York Times

Moral injury — the quiet epidemic of soldiers haunted by what they did during wartime

The Good Soldier: Why a Suicidal Officer Had to Go AWOL to Save His Life
Rolling Stone

The Moral Weight of War

The Illusion of American Exceptionalism Was Shattered
The Daily Beast

The Modern Man is Getting Stoicism All Wrong
Mel Magazine

Five Reasons Why Stoicism Matters Today

After War: A Conversation with Author Nancy Sherman
Real Clear Defense

What Does It Take to Break the Athlete's Code of Silence?
—The Atlantic

Bowe Bergdahl and 'moral injury': What if 'right and wrong' crumbles?
—Christian Science Monitor

Soldiers Share Thoughts on less-obvious conflicts

—The Boston Globe

War and the American Ideal
—The Houghton Star
5 Questions: Philosopher explores warriors' moral anguish

Military Times
Brutalised men do brutal things
—The Independent

What Does It Take to Break the Athlete's Code of Silence?
—The Atlantic

Essay: We’ve seen photos before like ones of U.S. soldiers with Afghan corpses
—The Washington Post

Soldier has 'no memory' of Afghan massacre

Wounded warriors tragic reminder of war