Nancy Sherman on ancient wisdom for a modern world
Dancing with the Stoics (Connecting with Others through their Steps)
Nancy Sherman’s "A Life of Learning" address to the Georgetown Faculty (Timestamp 48)
The Armen Show: Understanding Stoic Philosophers Of The Past In "Stoic Wisdom"
Can a Stoic Suffer Moral Injury and Turn to Others to Heal?
Politics&ProseLive! Stoic Wisdom: Nancy Sherman with Zeke Emanuel
Prof. Nancy Sherman | The Life & Teachings of Seneca
"Moral Injury and Resilience through a Stoic Lens"
Nancy Sherman (Georgetown University) delivered the 2019 Blegen Lecture in the Department of Greek and Roman Studies at Vassar College on April 25th, 2019: "Moral Injury and Resilience through a Stoic Lens: Homecomings for Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans." The lecture was co-sponsored by the departments of Philosophy, Psychological Science, Political Science, and International Studies, and the President's Office.
Nancy Sherman: Dancers and Soldiers Sharing the Dance Floor: Emotional Expression in Dance
In this Broadcast, Nancy Sherman talks to us about her love of dance, her earliest philosophical memory, and the conceptual connections between dancers and soldiers.